

Listen to the DAILY TRUTH ARCHIVED RADIO PROGRAM each day for strength and encouragement. These radio broadcasts of Bishop Starkey's dynamic teaching will re-enforce your Faith, as well as serve as a powerful resource for Victorious Christian Living.




Watch the AGE OF RECOVERY TELEVISION PROGRAM each week for continuous progressive growth and development. These archived video recordings of the WEEKLY TELECASTS of Bishop Starkey's Biblically, as well as Series Based Sermons are designed to help you navigate through the storms and challenges of life, guiding you to Jesus Christ!


Bible Institute

Bible Institute


This is an ONLINE BLBLE COLLEGE CURRICULUM entailing various Biblical Theological Coursed leading to specific CERTIFICATES IN BIBLICAL STUDIES within a progressive operational framework.

*** Coming soon in June 2021 ***


Champion of Truth Devotional Magazine

Champion of Truth
Devotional Magazine

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio. Dignissimos ucimus qui blanditiis praesentium.ucimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum. orrupti.

This Week's Sermon / Lesson Series

This Week's Sermon/
Lesson Series

This week's series leads us through Easter/Resurrection Sunday until the beginning of the Pentecost Season. Our Sermon/Lesson Series is entitled 'EAGLES IN WAITING - GOING FROM FRUSTRATION TO FULFILLMENT' .VV


by Robert B. Starkey    




â?? They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. â?? Isaiah 40: 31

    Waiting upon the Lord, means remaining in our present circumstance, as well as position, while awaiting Godâ??s instructions as to how to proceed regarding a specific course of action.  In other words, we depend on God for guidance as to what do next in our troubled lives.  It is noteworthy, that Jesus Christ is our â??Anointedâ?? Messiah who is touched by â??the feeling of our hurts, failures, and weaknesses.  Therefore, as we wait upon the Lord, we must realize that God is in total control of every situation or circumstance that comes our way.  

   There will be some challenging experiences that will test the faith of even â??the most devout , as well as powerful Christians. However, Christ Jesus has given us His Authority to use His Name in casting down the â?? satanic strongholdsâ?? of the world system !  But, the question is , do you have the faith to â??Wait upon the Lordâ?? in Holy Spirit confidence with unshakable faith?   For, God has the ability to enable you  through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to act in supernatural power , and take Divine Authority over the work of the enemy in your particular circumstance.  Understand, that Godâ??s power is profoundly released through this unshakable faith!  The Scripture passage in St. Matthew 17: 1 â?? 20 shows us the power of Jesus Christ to cast out demons. Please, note what Jesus said as a result of this miracle. â??Howbeit, this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.â? It is noteworthy, that there are some challenges in the Christian life that requires Prayer and Fasting with supernatural unshakable faith! 



â?? Truly my soul waiteth upon Godâ?¦â? PSALM 62: 1 â?? 2 

       The Lord That We Worship is truly an amazing God of our salvation!  For, Jesus Christ our Messiah is the anointed one who is just waiting to bless you. Christ is actively involved in our suffering, as well as the pain that we experience from time to time. The Bible declares that we can wait upon the Lord from the depths of our soulâ??s desires and yearnings.  For, God knows us from the inside out. This means that , on the soulish level, the Holy Spirit is continuously at work in our minds and emotions , speaking into your life the awesome plans and purposes of  God !  Remember that the LORD has nothing but the best in store for your future. 

        Jesus said to the father of the demon possessed boy, â??If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.â?  But, the father replied , â?? Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief.â? ( Mark 9: 23 â?? 24 )  Christ was demonstrating to the childâ??s father that nothing was too difficult for God , regardless of how hopeless his situation seemed. The fatherâ??s soul was in terrible anguish and was desperate for relief from the pain and agony of seeing his son suffer from continual demonic attacks. For, he said â??Lord I believe but help my unbelief.â? This shows us that there times when our faith is on trial. And our soul is in agony through pain. But, if we could do as the psalmists said,â? my soul waits upon Godâ?.  For, faith is a work that is demonstrated from the inside out! But, the effectiveness of our faith comes from the realization that I help comes from the Lord Jesus Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith. Understand that there is no limit as to what God will do in your life if you would simply have confidence and trust in his ability, as well as willingness to act supernaturally on your behalf. There is a power in unshakable faith in oneâ??s needy circumstances. We can cast out demons in the name of Jesus, as we wait upon the Lord from the depths of our soul!

    As aforementioned, nothing is too difficult for God. For, He is â??Omnipotentâ??! This means that God is Almighty, and has all power in his hands. When the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He declared that â?? all power is given to me in Heaven and in Earthâ? ( Matthew 28: 18 ).  We can have confidence in Christ, from the depths of our souls to speak to the deepest needs of our lifeâ??s circumstances!  For, we can unload all our cares, as well as anxieties upon the Lord, trusting Him to reveal his faithful power through the Holy Spiritâ??s enablement. My dear brother and sister, rest and have peace in the Lordâ??s ability to meet you at the point of your every need!









Featured Devotional Article

Featured Devotional Article

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio. Dignissimos ucimus qui blanditiis praesentium.ucimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum. orrupti.

Welcome to Age of Recovery Ministries

FAITH UNDER FIRE:   God is all powerful ( OMNIPOTENT) . This means that there is nothing too difficult for Him to accomplish in our lives, regardless of the circumstances. Therefore, we as God's Children are to yield our lifes' issues to the Lord totally and completely!

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