
We have much in common with the problems that people faced when Jesus was physically present on Earth. People have been in need since there have been people on the face of the Earth. God knows that we are needy people. It is my belief that we forget that Jesus is able to not only meet our needs, but the needs of others, all at the same time. Jesus is our GREAT PROVIDER!  Sometimes we foolishly forget how much of a provider the Lord is. Often we send others away in their time of need forgetting we serve a God who provided manna from heaven for millions in the wilderness. So, if God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore, then the same God who provided for the 5000 or so in the wilderness is the same God who will provide for us today. He is the GREAT PROVIDER!
Sometimes we see our needs as being too large to even ask God to handle or too small for Him to be concerned with.  Like the disciples, we must be reminded of the God of history.  God who clothes the lilies and who sustained an entire generation with water and food in a barren wilderness is the same God who will take care of you and me. 
God is Jehovah-Jireh
He is the Creator and Sustainer of everything, therefore it is His responsibility to take care of everything. There is a song in an old hymn that says, "All I have needed, God's hand has provided, great is Thy faithfulness..." Is'nt it wonderful to know that God is our great provider. Whatever your need is, it is entirely God's concern.  Allow Him to instruct you in the midst of it all, and yield to His instruction.  Never allow your own limited vision to talk you out of depending solely on God because He is the God who will provide.

Be blessed,

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